So I was talking to Susan earlier. She was telling me about this file she saw. She says the file had extensions. Extensions! I knew it was fake. Nothing real looks that good – except mine, of course. Ok, ok, let’s cut it with the hair jokes… you get it? Cut? Ha ha ha. This …
Why are there More Viruses on Windows?
You have probably heard it said that there are more viruses on windows, particularly if talking to somebody using a mac. That is correct. Hold on now, put that pitchfork back in your pocket. How did you fit a pitchfork into your pocket, anyway? There are far more viruses that target windows than mac, or …
The Web and the Internet
The World Wide Web. One small step for cats, one giant leap for cat memes. The Web has revolutionized, well, everything. So has the Internet. Despite how these words are used today, they are actually different things. Bam. I just blew your mind. That will be five bucks. So yes, the Web and the Internet …
The Windows Registry
The registry. That is what they decided to call it. Kind of neat-sounding, but also revealing nothing about its purpose. It is like Area 51. Who knows what bodies information is stored in there? The windows registry is fairly mundane, as it happens. No bodies here. It has been around for a while – since …
How You Get Malware
Malware. Like software, but bad. Malware is like the stuff on Santa’s naughty list. It includes well-known categories like viruses, trojans, worms, and so on. But how do you end up with malware in the first place? There are two primary ways this happens: user action, and security holes. But before we go into how …
CPU Speed Comparisons
Those computer things. They work, somehow. Some say it runs on a proprietary mixture of unicorn meat and peanuts. I think that is ridiculous, personally – why would we use unicorn meat as fuel when we can be eating it instead? Computers consist of several components, among them a CPU, memory, storage, and so on. …
Why is the Main Drive in Windows Called C:?
If you use Windows (the operating system, not the glass viewing device) and have ever worked with files at all, you know the main drive in Windows is called C:. Typically there are other drives as well, such as D: for your disk drive and E: for a flash drive or other such device. The …
Why Should Flash Drives be Safely Removed?
If you have used a flash drive since… well, since they existed, really, you are probably aware that you should first eject them before physically removing them. Given that ejecting a flash drive does not physically send it flying from the computer, or “come out”, as with CD/DVD players, it must do something else… but …
Port Forwarding
So a little bird told me you want to know what port forwarding is. And that you talk to little birds. You should get some professional help. But I digress. In order to understanding port forwarding, we first need to understand all those tube things they call the internet. It is a lot like the mail …